2021 news & insights

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We Wish You a Merry BITSmas: Our Favorite IT Carols

December 15, 2021

Ah, the holiday season! It’s the time for spending time with loved ones, reflecting on the past year, and gift-giving and acts of appreciation. It’s also time for radio stations and retail businesses to be taken over by everyone’s favorite Christmas songs (we’re looking at you, Mariah Carey). At BITS, we have a few favorite holiday tunes of our own…and to celebrate the season, let us tell you why!

thanksgiving dinner table

Our Favorite BITS: Gratefully Reflecting on 2021

November 19, 2021

As the days grow shorter and families gather for holidays, we often take time to reflect on the past year’s events and accomplishments in our lives. Anniversaries. Graduations. Promotions. All those memorable moments you look back on and smile. We’ve had plenty of those moments here at Beacon IT Services (BITS) over this busy year, with plenty of notable events and advancements in our realm of managed IT services.

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Take it From Facebook: You Need a Cybersecurity Action Plan

October 20, 2021

Picture this: Years from now, you're sharing a holiday with your family. After overhearing you reminisce and discuss how unpredictable the beginning of the 2020s was–and hopefully how wonderful the rest of the decade was–a child in the family looks up from their tablet and asks you: "So, were you there for the great Facebook [...]

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Protect Your Business and Network From Disaster During Hurricane Season

September 24, 2021

It’s Hurricane Season. Unless you’re a Carolina hockey fan, those words are enough to send a shiver down your spine, especially given how frequent—if not constant—hurricanes and storm warnings have become in recent years. Beyond the very real threat hurricanes pose to people’s well-being and property, they also pose another challenge to small business owners. A natural disaster may not only severely damage your business’s facilities or stock, it can also destroy the data you rely on every day to get your work done.

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Don’t Take the Bait: Tell-Tale Signs of Phishing Email Scams

August 27, 2021

We’ve all gotten those emails. They’ll come from a company you’ve done business with, or from someone you know. A boss maybe. The wording is odd sometimes—there are always phrases that seem a little off, like “I’m stuck on a conference”—but the tone is usually urgent. Some action or information is needed. A cell phone number. Or credit card or social security data. Or maybe just clicking a quick link.

cyber security can save you cash

Cyber Insurance: Why You Need It and How Beacon Helps You Save

July 23, 2021

Bear with us here, because we’re going to take a moment to talk about a subject that isn’t particularly fun. Insurance. Ugggghhhh, right? Unless you are in the insurance business (in which case, sorry), there is nothing particularly enjoyable about insurance. It costs money, and if you ever use it, it means something bad has happened. Nope, no fun at all. Insurance IS important though, and it can provide some peace of mind that if the worst does occur, you won’t be financially ruined. Chances are you already have a lot of insurance in your personal and professional life: auto, health, life, liability, the list goes on. But now it’s getting increasingly important to add cyber insurance to that list. Here’s what you need to know about this new and evolving area of the insurance industry.