So. Here we are. Still working from home. (Well, many of us.) Still not back to normal.
(We're not going to reiterate everything that’s going on. You know what’s up. And if you’re reading this in the future and have no idea what I’m referring to… well… you’re very lucky.)
So yes, here we are, and here we stay. One thing to learn from everything happening now is that you need to be prepared for anything. Even if you’ve been able to get through 2020 largely unscathed, the general chaos and disruption right now should illustrate the need to be adaptive and ready to roll with whatever comes next.
When it comes to your business, that means being ready to work from anywhere. What you need is a way for you and your team to access your business’s network from anywhere, while still offering the same level of cybersecurity that you’d get connecting directly in the office. That way you’ll be able to carry on your work without interruption, no matter what the universe decides to throw at us. (And as we’ve seen, it can throw a lot.)
A virtual private network (VPN) can provide what you need. And SonicWall is one of the most trusted VPN providers in the business.
Here’s what you need to know.
What Is SonicWall?
SonicWall is a technology company specializing in appliances and devices that primarily provide cyber security and remote, wireless access.
What Does SonicWall Offer?
SonicWall offers a number of useful products and services, including firewalls, cloud security, and content filtering. They also specialize in remote access and VPNs.
So what’s a VPN, again?
A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network. It allows for the security and function of the private network while allowing users to access the network anywhere. In other words, it’s the technology that makes remote work possible and safe.
SonicWall offers a number of VPN options, so businesses can find the version that will work best for them.
What Can It Do For My Business?
Simply put, a reliable VPN will allow your team to work from anywhere. With just a laptop computer and wi-fi connection, they’ll have secure access to your servers and network wherever they choose to connect, allowing them to seamlessly accomplish their work without needing to be in the same space.
That means that even when everyone may not be able to be in the same space (like is happening now), they can still work and collaborate like a team. Your business will be able to run without interruption regardless of how your team may be scattered. Some VPNs even allow easy and convenient access via smartphone operating systems, offering even more flexibility for you and your team.
A VPN also provides useful and essential security measures to keep your data and business secure. Many VPNs require user authentication (via passwords, digital certificates, or even biometrics) to access so only authorized users can access your network, in addition to a host of other security measures.
Do I Need a VPN?
If you have a team working for you and you want to make sure you can continue to run and function under any kind of changing circumstance, then we’ll say, yeah. You do. Definitely.
The fact is, even if you have gotten through the current pandemic moment without having to shut down your office or working space, you simply don’t know what’s coming in the future. Not to fear-monger (really) but the next world-changing event may separate your team and provide a new need for remote work. And even when you aren’t navigating worst-case scenarios, a VPN offers your team unparalleled flexibility in how they collaborate.
For example, a team traveling to meet clients no longer has to put off other work or rely on people back at the office to access important data. Instead, they can access via the VPN and pull up the information and files they need directly.
Or how about when you wake up at 3:40 AM with the solution to the problem you’ve been working on suddenly in your head? Do you wait until you get to office hours later and discover you’ve forgotten your epiphany, or do you log in via your VPN, solve the problem, and lay back down for a few more hours of restful sleep with a feeling of real accomplishment?
How Do I Get a VPN?
Well, that’s where Beacon IT Services (BITS) comes in. We’ve been working with SonicWall for years, providing VPNs for our clients along with a host of other services. We even use a SonicWall VPN ourselves. We can get one set up for you and your business so you can begin working from anywhere.
So don’t wait for the next big moment. Be prepared, and contact us today to get started.